

There are many different types of discrimination, but the one I am focusing on is race/color discrimination. Discrimination on race is when you treat someone differently(Mostly in a negative way) because of how they look. It is when you separate different characteristics that go along with their race. This includes skin color, hair texture and facial features. Color discrimination is when all the hate and cruelness is pointed to the color of a person. Race and color discrimination can also occur because of who a person gets married to(A person of a different race). Because of a persons race, there can be some unfair treatment. It can be harder for other races to get good paying jobs.


  • Culture: Discrimination based on cultural characteristics , race or ethnicity. Such as their name, accent, and their manners.
  • association: This is when a person marries another of a different race which then has a multiracial or biracial child.
  • Reverse Race Discrimination: This is where a person or a group of people discrimination on a whole race.

when someone discrimination happens a lot of times the victim thinks that its because of who they are. But its not. Nothing gives anyone the right to hate and change the rules for someone because of their culture and their race. We are all humans and that is what I think our race is. Color or facial features does not change that.


NUK. No Racism. photo graffiti. Magazin Urbane Kulture. MUK. July 6th 2014. Jan 11th 2016. http://mukmag.com/racism-kreativne-fotografije/

Mikayla Begg. Photo. Pintrest. Pintrest. 2 years ago. Jan 11th 2016. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/432838214157935645/

Race Discrimination and Racial Harassment. HR Hero. 2016. Website. Jan 11th 2016. http://topics.hrhero.com/race-discrimination-and-racial-harassment/#

Civil Rights. HHS gov. 8/31.2015. Website. Jan 11th 2016. http://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-individuals/race/

Race/Color discrimination. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Website. Jan 11th 2016. http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/types/race_color.cfm